SF Leather Pride

Join us for the sashing of the 2020 Mr SF Leather and SF Bootblack.

August 16-18 2019

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Presented By

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Mr SF Leather 2020

Trey is the first openly trans Mr SF Leather. Trey is the President of Onyx Northwest.

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SF Bootblack 2020

Jessie works as a shoeshine by day and a bootblack by night. She is passonate about her work.


Mr. SF Leather and SF Bootblack Contests move to a new weekend!

Contest Producers
01 June 2019

In case you hadn’t heard – we’re moving the contest to August starting this year. Mid-year 2018 the timing of the contest as it related to IML came up. After much discussion, meetings, and proposals, it was decided that whoever won Mr. SF Leather 2019 would have the option of competing right away (May 2019) or wait until after their step down and compete May 2020. As you may know, Jawn competed this last May (1st Runner Up!). Therefore, the contest has moved to August (3rd weekend) 2019 for the 2020 titleholder year.

Jawn, First Runner Up At IML!

Contest Producers
01 June 2019

Current Mr SF Leather Jawn Marques, took home first runner up out of 68 contestants this year at IML. The 41st IML title ended up going to Jawn’s Bare Chest Calendar brother Jack Thompson. Jawn delivered a passionate speech about losing his husband TJ to suicide in the summer of 2018. This message reached many people on the IML stage. Jawn easily made top 20 this year giving him the opportunity to deliver his speech.

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Mr S Leather


The Monday Team


Society of Janus

Wicked Grounds

The 15 Association

Northwest Leather Celebration


The Yellow And Black Group

SOMA Guardians

MAST San Francisco

Ms Sacremento Leather

Step And Repeat

The UnRuly Social Club